Comparison of water footprint of HPP Fláje and HPP Přísečnice with consideration of allocation by the economic value of water reservoir purpose
The submitted article describes a comparative study of the water footprint of electricity produced in two hydroelectric plants operated by Povodí Ohře, a state enterprise, on the water reservoirs of Přísečnice and Fláje in the Ore Mountains. A gross consumption method was used to calculate the water footprint, which considers water losses from the reservoir at the level of the evaporation from the water surface. Since electricity generation on the water tank is only an additional purpose provided by the water tank, it was necessary to divide the water losses from the reservoir among the various purposes provided by the reservoir. Allocation based on the economic value of the individual purpose was used to allocate losses by evaporation to individual purposes. Water losses allocated to power generation account for less than 1% of total losses. The study showed that the water footprint of the electricity produced in the Přísečnice hydropower station is about 2 times larger than the water footprint produced in the Fláje hydropower station, mainly due to the different morphology of the two reservoirs. The water footprint value of the electricity produced in two hydropower stations assessed is comparable to literary data on the water footprint of hydroelectric power plants from the Czech Republic and the world.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Libor Ansorge, Pavel Vojtko, Veronika Hamanová, Jakub Hrubý, Martin Dočkal
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