Occurrence of pesticides in the water environment and their removal from drinking water using advanced oxidation processes


  • Tamara Pacholská VŠCHT Praha Technická 5, 166 28 Praha 6
  • Pavla Šmejkalová VŠCHT Praha Technická 5, 166 28 Praha 6




Pesticides, advanced oxidation processes, drinking water, granular activated carbon


Intensive use of pesticides has caused serious problems in the ecosystem in many places, especially in terms of the water resources to which pesticides enter. It is not possible to remove pesticides from water using conventional water supply technology, so these substances are found in above-limit concentrations in drinking water. Therefore, it is necessary to design a technology that will be effective in removing them. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in combination with granular activated carbon (GAU) prove to be suitable. The aim of this experiment was to compare the effect of ozonation and advanced oxidation processes, which verified the combination of ozone with UV radiation (O3 + UV) and ozone with hydrogen peroxide (O3 + H2O2) followed by sorption on GAU.


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How to Cite

Pacholská, T. and Šmejkalová, P. (2020) “Occurrence of pesticides in the water environment and their removal from drinking water using advanced oxidation processes”, ENTECHO, 3(1), pp. 1–5. doi: 10.35933/ENTECHO.2020.01.



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