Winery wastewater preatreatment
winery wastewater, treatment, coagulation, flocculation, biological processes, physicochemical processes, aerobic treatment, bioreactor, SBRAbstract
COD removal from winery wastewater by physicochemical and biological treatment at lab scale was studied. Both experiments were performed with sludge from clarification under laboratory conditions. The aim of those experiments was to meet regulations. Coagulation under different pH was studied. By combination of coagulant Yesfloc (c) SG and flocculant Yesfloc® COE65 or
flocculant Yesfloc® COEX88 28 % of COD was removed by pH = 6 and 27 % of COD was removed by pH = 8. Two SBR reactors under different conditions were studied. Average of COD removal with both SBR was 77 %, which met regulations. There was no significant lack of nutrients, which could occur in a long-term operation. The pH adjustment for SBR was not necessary. The composition and season dependency could be a problem for biological treatment, but the sludge adaptation was really quick.
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