Comparison of the content and bioavailability of phosphorus in selected sewage sludges
phosporus, sewage sludge, Mehlich III, bioavailabilityAbstract
Today's society aims to minimize or recycle waste. We can recycle plastics, glass or, figuratively speaking, natural resources that are finite. Phosphorus is one of the non-renewable resources. Phosphorus is essential for humans because it is used to fertilize agricultural fields. Without it, food production would be considerably lower and it would not be possible to feed such a huge population of people. Phosphorus is most often supplied to the field in industrial fertilizers, which also contain nitrogen and potassium. Alternative fertilizers are various waste streams such as manure or sewage sludge. The composition of the sludge is, to some extent, similar to fertilizers. Among other parameters, it is necessary to evaluate their content of bioavailable phosphorus. For this purpose, the original soil method for leaching and subsequent determination of phosphorus using Mehlich III solution was investigated. Different types of sludge (biological, biochemical and chemical) were investigated in comparison with phosphate standards, which occur most frequently in sludge. The bioavailability of phosphorus in the examined sludges was quite similar compared to each other; it was the highest in the biochemical sludge.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniel Pliska, Dominik Matýsek, Jiří Wanner

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