Life cycle assessment of selected emissions abatement technologies of the solid fuel plant
Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, incineration of fossil fuels, BREF, BAT, Best Available Techniques, acid gases, reducing sulphur gases emissionsAbstract
This study aims to use the LCA method for a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impacts of acidic gases (SOx, HCl, HF) emission abatement technologies corresponding to BAT for the selected large combustion plant burning solid fuel (lignite). In order to assess the implementation of BAT, six scenarios of abatement technologies were proposed – technology without the implementation of a desulphurisation unit, with SDA, with FGD and with the implementation of BAT for FGDs intensification. The scenario data were based on the operational phase of the real type source and were further approximated according to the literature. An important outcome of the study was the use of LCA method as a tool to find the breakpoint that determines the extent to which the reduction of direct emissions has a positive benefit with regard to the overall environmental impacts within the defined life cycle.
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